WHO: Dottie Maie


WHAT: Heirloom Natural Handmade Wooden Toys

WHY: If you’re looking for toys that look as though they’ve been teleported from a bygone era, these vintage inspired wooden characters will really float your boat. Our panel loved the timeless feel of these hand-crafted wooden toys, which all feature traditional techniques, sweet faces and a pared back, yet nostalgic feel. Beautiful sustainable toys that will be the stars of the playroom until they are handed on to another lucky boy or girl.

Adorable, well-crafted toys that are fun to play with and beautiful for display.
Bonita Turner, Editor of JUNIOR
Beautiful simple products.
Charlotte Love, artist, stylist and photographer, @charlottelovely
Absolutely beautiful eco-designed toys that kids and parents alike will love!
Jakki Jones, Talen PR and artist, @jakkidoodles
Super cute designs – simple, chic and sustainable. From a design point of view, they have nailed it!
Mooi Ginsburg, co-founder of @shopmaison_m
Very sweet designs. I like the faces of the characters and the castle really stands out.
Zoey Goto, author and journalist, @zoeygoto

WHERE: Dottie Maie

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WHO: 'Once Upon a DUA'

WHAT: Handmade hijab doll collection made from cotton yarn

WHY: These gorgeous cloth dolls in soft muted shades, dressed in traditional hijabis, were hugely popular with all our judges who felt they really filled a gap in cultural representation. Beautifully designed with a Scandinavian influence, these dolls are handmade from 100% cotton yarn in Turkey through a women only social enterprise group consisting of very talented artisans including locals and Syrian refugees. Our judges agreed it was wonderful to see these dolls having such a hugely positive impact from production to shelf, encouraging pride amongst hijab wearing girls and acceptance in the wider community.

I can see these beautiful dolls becoming a favourite companion and taking pride of place on the bed. Gorgeous.
Bonita Turner, Editor of JUNIOR
Such pretty, smiley dolls that really help children from Hijabi wearing families feel proud and seen.
Eleonore Crompton, Deputy Editor of JUNIOR
Absolutely gorgeous design - dolls than can be treasured and kept forever.
Jakki Jones, Talen PR and artist, @jakkidoodles
Lovely doll - would make a great gift!
Zoey Goto, author and journalist, @zoeygoto
Made to last and be passed on through to other children when ready. The colours are beautifully chosen and it’s so beautiful for children to have something relatable to their faith. I love how the dolls come with different skin complexions. There aren’t many toys like this on the market and it’s wonderful to see somebody making something so inspiring whilst being eco-friendly.
Mooi Ginsburg, co-founder of @shopmaison_m

WHERE: Once Upon a Dua


WHO: Honu Play

WHAT: Greta the Great recycled ocean plastic sea turtle


WHY: Described by the maker as a playful solution to plastic pollution, these cute little turtles in muted shades were much admired by the panel. Made from disused fishing nets retrieved from the sea, Frida actively helps keep the ocean cleaner and safer and helps kids connect with the idea that we need to protect our planet. Perfect for bathtime and cleverly designed so that they can be opened for cleaning, meaning no hidden mould! Brilliant.

Greta is adorable and is a fantastic example of how toys can educate and draw attention to serious causes.
Bonita Turner, Editor of JUNIOR
Genius in so many ways but it’s the no mould part for me that makes this a JDA winning product!
Eleonore Crompton, Deputy Editor, Junior
Not only do these toys look and feel great - they are helping to keep disused fishing nets out of the ocean! Great name for a great product doing a truly great thing for our planet. An important toy!
Jakki Jones, Talen PR and artist, @jakkidoodles
Very chic for a bath toy and I love the muted colours. They feel as if they are built to last and could double up as a beach toy, which I love.
Mooi Ginsburg, co-founder of @shopmaison_m
Such an innovative product. I love how you’re turning trash into treasure!
Zoey Goto, author and journalist, @zoeygoto

WHERE: Honu Play
