


WHO: We Might Be Tiny
Silicone Cookie Cutter Stampies in fun animal shapes
These gorgeous cookie stamps went down a storm with our judges who thought they would be a fantastic addition to that baking drawer! The thoughtful design, featuring detachable silicone stamps that slot onto an easy-to-hold wooden handle, really impressed the panel who loved the fact that these silicone discs thrive in the dishwasher! The selection of animal prints was fabulous (even a sloth in the mix!) and the panel could well imagine these being used for play dough, cookies and even for making blocks of butter look special. Over all a great gift for any young child.

This is a very beautiful looking stamp set and perfect that they can be put into a dishwasher!
Chloe Thurston, Stylist and influencer @chloeuberkids
Want these! Anything to encourage baking and love the colours and animal choices and designs.
Emma Paton, Stylist and Influencer
Love these in every way. A simple idea that's been very well executed.
Jo Jones, Brand Consultant and Beauty PR
The colours and designs are mouth-wateringly good.
Yvadney Davis, Children’s and Teen's Stylist

WHERE: We Might Be Tiny



WHO: Inspire My Play
An all-in-one purpose designed tray for creative PlayTray
This simple, sleek lidded tray that creates the perfect contained space for sensory and creative play impressed our judges on so many levels. Consisting of three parts- a deep tray for sensory/messy play, a shallow tray for play-dough and crafts and 6 removable compartments for holding play equipment, the panel felt that this provided a genuine solution for keeping kids entertained, keeping mess at bay and providing storage for all those craft activities that you might want to take a break from and then return to without necessarily packing them away in their boxes. Details such as non-slip feet and it’s clean good looks were much appreciated and the panel felt that this tray would make life a lot more fun and a lot more organised for children and parents.

This would stop our kitchen table getting trashed with play doh etc every day! Love the simplicity of it. I feel like I’ve been looking for something like this now I’ve seen it!
Charlotte Kewley, Children’s Stylist
I LOVE this! I immediately want to go and set up all the sensory tray ideas and I think I will have to get one at home!
Chloe Thurston, Stylist and Influencer @chloeuberkids
A great at home kit for kids, can't beat a tidy way to do sensory play and there are endless ideas with this.
Emma Paton, Stylist and Influencer
Sensory play whilst amazing and beneficial can cause so much mess stress for parents. So I love that things like play dough, paints and sand can be stored away for another rainy day.
Yvadney Davis, Children’s Stylist

WHERE: Inspire My Play

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WHO: MindShot
Pocket Sized Themed Activity Packs
WHY: Our judges really connected with this brand and saw the immediate value of these packs that can be popped into a handbag or pocket and taken everywhere and anywhere. The idea of bite-sized, short bursts of activity –mental snacks - really resonated with the panel who felt this approach was perfect for varying a child’s day and keeping them interested. The panel also responded well to the brand’s premise that they didn’t want to counter technology, but to offer healthy breaks from screen-time that inspire, support and expand young minds. The partnering of MindShot with the wildlife charity Born Free was another factor that really warmed the panel to this brand.

We love everything about this! The design, creativity, the fact that its off screen fun, the learning element - like I said everything :)
Bonnie Van Geel and Pepper, Photographer and Child Model
What a brilliant simple idea. I’m ordering! Always looking for screen time alternatives. Great price point too.
Charlotte Kewley, Founder @thelittlestylist
The idea of having a mental snack is brilliant! I also like that different artists are going to be commissioned. Anything that encourages a digital break is great in my eyes!
Chloe Thurston, Stylist and Influencer
Perfect for on the go, can imagine using in the pub/ meals out, anything for more screen free time!!
Emma Paton, Ex-Fashion Buyer and Influencer
Lovely. Educational and affordable and fun and colourful. Big tick.
Jo Jones, Brand Consultant
I love this concept, such great ways to sandwich screen time with mindful acts.
Yvadney Davis, Children’s Stylist

WHERE: MindShot



WHO: My Busy Bots
Educational activity packs for kids on the go or at home

WHY: These colourful activity packs really appealed to our judges who after all, know a thing or two about trying to find fun ways of getting kids to learn outside of school! Many of the panel felt that these well considered, fun packs would get kids engaging their brains without even really knowing it, which is half the battle. Our judges particularly liked the zippable Fun Folders which give little ones a sense of independence and ownership. Containing pencils, stickers, stationery and an activity book that won’t get lost, sticky or soggy on-the-go (this happens to us) thanks to it’s sturdy protective layer. Perfect for travelling or a trip to visit someone who might not have child entertainment on tap!

My own children are obsessed with playing school. I think they’d love these kits for that purpose - their own teacher kits!
Charotte Kewley, Children’s Stylist
Great pre-made sets making it easy to start the activity!
Chloe Thurston, Stylist and influencer @chloeuberkids
Looks like a really good little pack, nice to have a zip lock bag to keep it all in.
Emma Paton, Stylist and Influencer

WHERE: My Busy Bots
