When we first set eyes on US jewellery range, Super Smalls at Italian Kids' Fashion Expo Pitti Bimbo we were mesmerised. Chunky perspex hearts, stunning oversize shell pendants and even a real four leaf clover set in resin and trimmed with rainbow stones had our jaws dropping and our heart eyes popping. Yes, this jewellery inspires poetry. It was hard to tear ourselves away from the Super Smalls display but we consoled ourselves with the news that the range would be stocked in the UK very soon.


A year later and the fabulous collection is now available to buy in Harrods, Brown Thomas, Childrensplay and Childrensalon and we can confirm we'll be ordering on a one for them, one for us basis. Ladybird rings, super bling earrings and even pearl sewn fluorescent hair bands are going to be pepping up all our outfits from here on in and we can't wait to gift these jewels to birthday girls big and small.

Super Smalls Girls Red Heart Gem Necklace Set, £45.00, Childrensalon
SUPER SMALLS Make It Super DIY Bead Kit, £54.95, Harrods

It won't surprise you to know that this brand was the brainchild of someone with fabulous taste. Founded by former ELLE Accessories Director, Maria Dueñas Jacobs, Super Smalls was created as a self-imposed challenge to transform the children’s market and wow her own young daughters with playtime accessories that looked and felt like her own collection of fine jewellery. We have to say mission accomplished, congratulations and thank you, although now we really want to see the grown-up collection of fine jewellery that inspired this mini-me collection. According to Maria, her creative team includes her now-9-year old Kid-in-Chief Luna and 6-year-old Directors of Rainbow & Magic Isa and Silvi. Is there room for a Chief Sparkle Officer? Head of Dusting? We're applying...

Super Smalls Girls Multicolour Jewelled Rings (5 Pack), £33.00, Childrensalon
SUPER SMALLS Magic Unicorn Necklace, £39.95, Harrods

Super Smalls: What you need to know

  • Designed and packaged to look and feel like luxe gifts for kids
  • Age range 3- 13 years (and anyone young at heart)
  • Everything is under £60

>> SHOP THE COLLECTION NOW: Super Smalls at Harrods, Childrensalon, & Childsplay
